Future HES Network and System Engineer
At the age of 15, I began my IT career by joining SITel as an apprentice, where I acquired skills in customer support, application development and infrastructure management. After obtaining my Federal VET Diploma following four years' study, I spent a year improving my English and doing my military service.
Pursuing my passion for technology, I then began my engineering studies at the School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg. I also took advantage of the school vacations to work for Telecom Services SA, helping to update computer systems in schools.
I'm currently in my third and final year of higher education, actively preparing for a career in IT.
Feel free to contact me.
Bachelor of Sciences HES-SO in Computer Science and Communication Systems, 2024
Haute école d'ingénierie et d'architecture de Fribourg
Cisco Networking Academy, 2022
Haute école d'ingénierie et d'architecture de Fribourg
Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training in IT + Federal Professional Baccalaureate, 2020
SITel | Ecole professionnelle artisanale et industrielle de Fribourg
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